While owning a motorcycle can open you up to a hundred new experiences, there’s also quite a learning curve involved. New riding techniques, new accessories, and new etiquette can take some time to get the hang of and throw new riders for a loop. Thankfully, we’ve written up a few helpful tips below to help you get the hang of your new motorcycle.


When it comes to motorcycle riding, practice makes perfect. Unfortunately, riding a motorcycle isn’t as easy as driving a car, so we recommend practicing as much as possible before hitting city streets and highways. To get started, try to find an empty parking lot and practice accelerating, braking, and making turns.

Maintain Your Motorcycle

While not as expensive as a car, motorcycles are still a pretty big investment, and you want to ensure yours lasts a lifetime. Thankfully, motorcycle components are relatively simple, and you’ll be able to do a majority of regular maintenance from the comfort of your garage! However, before you go unscrewing important nuts and bolts, we recommend doing some research on motorcycle maintenance, the tools you’ll need, and common upkeep tasks you’ll need to perform on a regular basis.

Gear Up

After spending so much money on a new motorcycle, you may be tempted to purchase some cheap safety accessories, to save a bit of money. However, we strongly advise against this. When it comes to safety accessories you get what you pay for, and the last thing you want is your important safety gear falling apart after a small spill or due to general wear and tear.

Still searching for your perfect motorcycle? Then we want to encourage you to browse our impressive stock of new and used bikes here at Motorcycle Maxx! Conveniently located in Lewis Center, Ohio, we proudly serve the nearby cities of Columbus and Cincinnati, Ohio, and provide helpful financing, trade-in, and consignment services.